About me
I grew up in Charlotte, NC before going to school at UNC Chapel Hill. There, I double majored in biology and art. I started becoming interested in ecology while studying arthropod phenology relevant to migrating birds in North Carolina. Before coming to Davis, I was lucky enough to work in the tallgrass prairies of Minnesota and a geothermal stream system in Iceland. When not doing research, I like to make all kinds of things and explore the synergy between artmaking and science.
I am interested in organisms that rely on resource patches that are rare in space and time. These ephemeral resource patches often act as ecological epicenters, or what Charles Elton referred to as “centers of action,” where species interactions, niche partitioning, and behavioral/morphological adaptations are intensified. Particularly, I am using carrion beetles to study the effects of ephemeral resource patches on reproductive output and population characteristics.
Population Biology Graduate Group
Department of Entomology and Nematology
Briggs Hall 380K
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616 USA
Fellowships and Awards
2024 Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Bodega Marine Laboratory Fellowship ($25000)
2022 Russell J. and Dorothy S. Bilinski Bodega Marine Laboratory Fellowship ($25000)
2019 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)
2022 Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award ($2250)
2021 Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant ($3000)
2021 Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award ($3000)
2020 Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award ($3000)
Pepi, A., T. Hayes, and K. Lyberger. 2023. Thermal asymmetries influence effects of warming on stage and size-dependent predator–prey interactions. Theoretical Ecology. link
Yang, L. H., E. G. Postema, T. E. Hayes, M. K. Lippey, and D. J. MacArthur-Waltz. 2021. The complexity of global change and its effects on insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science. link
Richardson, L. K., M. K. Gallagher, T. E. Hayes, A. S. Gallinat, G. Kiefer, K. Manion, M. Jenkins, G. Diersen, and S. Wagenius. 2021. Competition for pollination and isolation from mates differentially impact four stages of pollination in a model grassland perennial. Journal of Ecology 109:1356–1369. link
Hurlbert, A., T. Hayes, T. McKinnon, C. Goforth. 2019. Caterpillars Count! A citizen science project for monitoring foliage arthropod abundance and phenology. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 4(1) link
Cloyed, C.S., A.I. Dell, T. Hayes, R.L. Kordas, E.J. O’Gorman. 2019. Long‐term exposure to higher temperature increases the thermal sensitivity of grazer metabolism and movement. Journal of Animal Ecology. 00:1– 12. link
…more to come