About me
I was born in Australia and grew up in West Virginia. When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a pet shop owner. In high school, I wanted to be a veterinarian. As a college freshman, I thought I wanted to make nature documentary films. As it turns out, I was really interested in ecology and evolution. After I graduated, I traveled and started a PhD. I’ve been faculty at the University of California, Davis since 2009. I’m still learning new things all the time.
I am working to develop a temporally explicit view of ecology that examines how ecological communities combine complex, coordinated and changing interactions over time. I am particularly interested in the effects of climate change on species interactions, community responses to strong perturbation events, phenological cues and phenological shifts, and seasonal changes in the nature and outcomes of species interactions. I study several different organisms in a wide range of ecological communities, each of which contributes to a broader understanding of how species interactions change over time.
Department of Entomology and Nematology
Briggs Hall 380K
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616 USA
Insect Ecology (ENT 105) – an undergraduate introduction to the ecology of insects
Experimental Ecology and Evolution in the Field (EVE/ENT 180 A/B) – a two-quarter undergraduate field ecology course focused on the process of research
Community Ecology (ECL 205, starting Winter 2024) – a graduate course in community ecology
2022-2026, PI, “Characterizing the Natal Origins and Host Plants of Western Monarchs” and “Monitoring Monarch Use of Early-Season Milkweeds in the California Coast Range”, US FWS Adaptive Science Program and the Center for Pollinator Conservation, F23AC00051
2022-2025, PI, “An integrative approach for projecting insect responses to a rapidly changing climate”, NSF IntBIO Collaborative Research (IOS-2128245, with PIs Ries, Kingsolver, Breed, and Smilanich)
2013-2019, PI, “Phenology, ontogeny and the consequences of shifts in the relative timing of milkweed-monarch interactions”, NSF Faculty Early Career (CAREER) Award (DEB-1253101)
2011-2017, PI, “The effects of pulsed subsidies on island food webs”, NSF Population and Community Ecology (DEB-1119688, with co-PI Schoener)
Chair, Entomology Graduate Program, Summer 2023- present
Interim Vice-chair, Department of Entomology, Summer 2023- Winter 2024
Member, Population Biology Graduate Group
Member, Ecology Graduate Group
Member, Animal Behavior Graduate Group
>150 journal peer-reviews and 11 grant ad-hoc/panel reviews
Lapiedra, O., N. Morales, L. H. Yang, D. Fernández-Bellon, S. N. Michaelides, S. T. Giery, J. Piovia-Scott, T. W. Schoener, J. J. Kolbe, and J. B. Losos. in press. Predator-driven behavioural shifts in a common lizard shape resource-flow from marine to terrestrial ecosystems. Ecology Letters. link
Yang, L. H. 2023. Complexity, humility and action: a current perspective on monarchs in western North America. Current Opinion in Insect Science:101078. link
Cope, O. L., L. A. Burkle, J. R. Croy, K. A. Mooney, L. H. Yang, and W. C. Wetzel. 2022. The role of timing in intraspecific trait ecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. link
Rasmussen, N. L., and L. H. Yang. 2022. Timing of a plant-herbivore interaction alters plant growth and reproduction. Ecology: e3854. link
Yang, L. H., K. Swan, E. Bastin, J. Aguilar, M. Cenzer, A. Codd, N. Gonzalez, T. Hayes, A. Higgins, X. Lor, C. Macharaga, M. McMunn, K. Oto, N. Winarto, D. Wong, T. Yang, N. Afridi, S. Aguilar, A. Allison, A. Ambrose-Winters, E. Amescua, M. Apse, N. Avoce, K. Bastin, E. Bolander, J. Burroughs, C. Cabrera, M. Candy, A. Cavett, M. Cavett, L. Chang, M. Claret, D. Coleman, J. Concha, P. Danzer, J. DaRosa, A. Dufresne, C. Duisenberg, A. Earl, E. Eckey, M. English, A. Espejo, E. Faith, A. Fang, A. Gamez, J. Garcini, J. Garcini, G. Gilbert-Igelsrud, K. Goedde-Matthews, S. Grahn, P. Guerra, V. Guerra, M. Hagedorn, K. Hall, G. Hall, J. Hammond, C. Hargadon, V. Henley, S. Hinesley, C. Jacobs, C. Johnson, T. Johnson, Z. Johnson, E. Juchau, C. Kaplan, A. Katznelson, R. Keeley, T. Kubik, T. Lam, C. Lansing, A. Lara, V. Le, B. Lee, K. Lee, M. Lemmo, S. Lucio, A. Luo, S. Malakzay, L. Mangney, J. Martin, W. Matern, B. McConnell, M. McHale, G. McIsaac, C. McLennan, S. Milbrodt, M. Mohammed, M. Mooney-McCarthy, L. Morgan, C. Mullin, S. Needles, K. Nunes, F. O’Keeffe, O. O’Keeffe, G. Osgood, J. Padilla, S. Padilla, I. Palacio, V. Panelli, K. Paulson, J. Pearson, T. Perez, B. Phrakonekham, I. Pitsillides, A. Preisler, N. Preisler, H. Ramirez, S. Ransom, C. Renaud, T. Rocha, H. Saris, R. Schemrich, L. Schoenig, S. Sears, A. Sharma, J. Siu, M. Spangler, S. Standefer, K. Strickland, M. Stritzel, E. Talbert, S. Taylor, E. Thomsen, K. Toups, K. Tran, H. Tran, M. Tuqiri, S. Valdes, G. VanVorhis, S. Vue, S. Wallace, J. Whipple, P. Yang, M. Ye, D. Yo, and Y. Zeng. 2022. Different factors limit early- and late-season windows of opportunity for monarch development. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9039. link (pdf)
Gill, A. L., P. B. Adler, E. T. Borer, C. R. Buyarski, E. E. Cleland, C. M. D’Antonio, K. F. Davies, D. S. Gruner, W. S. Harpole, K. S. Hofmockel, A. S. MacDougall, R. L. McCulley, B. A. Melbourne, J. L. Moore, J. W. Morgan, A. C. Risch, M. Schütz, E. W. Seabloom, J. P. Wright, L. H. Yang, and S. E. Hobbie. 2022. Nitrogen increases early-stage and slows late-stage decomposition across diverse grasslands. Journal of Ecology. link
Kharouba, H. M., and L. H. Yang. 2021. Disentangling the direct, indirect, and combined effects of experimental warming on a plant–insect herbivore interaction. Ecosphere 12:e03778. link
Page, M. l., C. C. Nicholson, R. M. Brennan, A. T. Britzman, J. Greer, J. Hemberger, H. Kahl, U. Müller, Y. Peng, N. M. Rosenberger, C. Stuligross, L. Wang, L. H. Yang, and N. M. Williams. 2021. A meta-analysis of single visit pollination effectiveness comparing honeybees and other floral visitors. American Journal of Botany. link
Yang, L. H., E. G. Postema, T. E. Hayes, M. K. Lippey, and D. J. MacArthur-Waltz. 2021. The complexity of global change and its effects on insects. Current Opinion in Insect Science. link
Edwards, C. B., and L. H. Yang. 2021. Evolved Phenological Cueing Strategies Show Variable Responses to Climate Change. The American Naturalist 197:E1–E16. link
Yang, L. H. 2020. Towards a more temporally explicit framework for community ecology. Ecological Research 35:445–462. link (pdf)
Yang, L. H., M. L. Cenzer, L. J. Morgan, and G. W. Hall. 2020. Species-specific, age-varying plant traits affect herbivore growth and survival. Ecology. e03029. link
Karban, R., and L. H. Yang. 2020. Feeding and damage-induced volatile cues make beetles disperse and produce a more even distribution of damage for sagebrush. Journal of Animal Ecology. link
Wright, A., L. H. Yang, J. Piovia-Scott, D. A. Spiller, and T. W. Schoener. 2020. Consumer responses to experimental pulsed subsidies in isolated vs. connected habitats. The American Naturalist. link
Yang, L. H. and Cenzer, M. L. 2020. Seasonal windows of opportunity in milkweed-monarch interactions. Ecology, 101(1). link
Piovia-Scott, J., L. H. Yang, A. N. Wright, D. A. Spiller, and T. W. Schoener. 2019. Pulsed seaweed subsidies drive sequential shifts in the effects of lizard predators on island food webs. Ecology Letters 22:1850–1859. link
McMunn, M. S., Yang, L. H., Ansalmo, A., Bucknam, K., Claret, M., Clay, C., Cox, K., Dungey, D. R., Jones, A., Kim, A. Y., Kubacki, R., Le, R., Martinez, D., Reynolds, B., Schroder, J. and Wood, E. 2019. Artificial Light Increases Local Predator Abundance, Predation Rates, and Herbivory. Environmental Entomology, 48(6), 1331–1339. link
Yang, L.H. and R. Karban. 2019. The effects of pulsed fertilization and chronic herbivory by periodical cicadas on tree growth. Ecology. 100(6):e01705 link
McInturf, A. G., L. Pollack, L. H. Yang, and O. Spiegel. 2019. Vectors with autonomy: what distinguishes animal-mediated nutrient transport from abiotic vectors? Biological Reviews 94:1761–1773. link
Pearse, I. S., M. McMunn, and L. H. Yang. 2019. Seasonal assembly of arthropod communities on milkweeds experiencing simulated herbivory. Arthropod-Plant Interactions. 13:99–108. link
Chmura, H. E., H. M. Kharouba, J. Ashander, S. M. Ehlman, E. B. Rivest, and L. H. Yang. 2019. The mechanisms of phenology: the patterns and processes of phenological shifts. Ecological Monographs 89:e01337. link
Farzan, S. and L.H. Yang. 2018. Experimental shifts in phenology affect fitness, foraging, and parasitism in a native solitary bee. Ecology. 99(10):2187-2195.
Freedman, M., H. Dingle, C.A. Tabuloc, J.C. Chiu, L.H. Yang, M.P. Zaluki. 2018. Non-migratory monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus (L.), retain developmental and transcriptional mechanisms associated with migration. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 123(2): 265–278
Kenny, H., A. Wright, J. Piovia-Scott, L.H. Yang, D. Spiller, T. Schoener. 2017. Marine subsidies change short-term foraging activity and habitat utilization of lizards. Ecology and Evolution. 7(24): 10701–10709
Lind, E., K. La Pierre, E. Seabloom, J. Alberti, O. Iribarne, J. Firn, D. Gruner, A. Kay, J. Pascual, J. Wright, L.H. Yang, E. Borer. 2017. Increased grassland arthropod production with grazing and eutrophication: An experimental test of mediation pathways. Ecology. 98(12):3022-3033
Piovia-Scott, J, L.H. Yang, A.N. Wright, D. Spiller, T. Schoener. 2017. The effect of lizards on spiders and wasps: variation with island size and marine subsidy. Ecosphere. 8(8): e01909
Piovia-Scott, J., L.H. Yang, and A.N. Wright. 2017. Temporal variation in trophic cascades. Annual Review of Ecology and Evolution. 48:281-300
Farzan, S., J. Whitney, and L. Yang. 2017. The Phenology and Spatial Distribution of Cavity-Nesting Hymenoptera and Their Parasitoids in a California Oak-Chaparral Landscape Mosaic. American Midland Naturalist 177(1): 84-99
Yang, L. H., D. Ostrovsky, M. C. Rogers, and J. M. Welker. 2016. Intra-population variation in the natal origins and wing morphology of overwintering western monarch butterflies Danaus plexippus. Ecography 39:998–1007.
Wetzel, W. C., R. M. Screen, I. Li, J. McKenzie, K. A. Phillips, M. Cruz, W. Zhang, A. Greene, E. Lee, N. Singh, C. Tran, and L. H. Yang. 2016. Ecosystem engineering by a gall-forming wasp indirectly suppresses diversity and density of herbivores on oak trees. Ecology 97:427–438.
Tredennick, A. T., P. B. Adler, J. B. Grace, W. S. Harpole, E. T. Borer, E. W. Seabloom, T. M. Anderson, J. D. Bakker, L. A. Biederman, C. S. Brown, Y. M. Buckley, C. Chu, S. L. Collins, M. J. Crawley, P. A. Fay, J. Firn, D. S. Gruner, N. Hagenah, Y. Hautier, A. Hector, H. Hillebrand, K. Kirkman, J. M. H. Knops, R. Laungani, E. M. Lind, A. S. MacDougall, R. L. McCulley, C. E. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, J. W. Morgan, J. L. Orrock, P. L. Peri, S. M. Prober, A. C. Risch, M. Schütz, K. L. Speziale, R. J. Standish, L. L. Sullivan, G. M. Wardle, R. J. Williams, and L. H. Yang. 2016. Comment on “Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness.” Science 351:457–457.
Seabloom, E. W., E. T. Borer, Y. M. Buckley, E. E. Cleland, K. F. Davies, J. Firn, W. S. Harpole, Y. Hautier, E. M. Lind, A. S. MacDougall, J. L. Orrock, S. M. Prober, P. B. Adler, T. M. Anderson, J. D. Bakker, L. A. Biederman, D. M. Blumenthal, C. S. Brown, L. A. Brudvig, M. Cadotte, C. Chu, K. L. Cottingham, M. J. Crawley, E. I. Damschen, C. M. Dantonio, N. M. DeCrappeo, G. Du, P. A. Fay, P. Frater, D. S. Gruner, N. Hagenah, A. Hector, H. Hillebrand, K. S. Hofmockel, H. C. Humphries, V. L. Jin, A. Kay, K. P. Kirkman, J. A. Klein, J. M. H. Knops, K. J. L. Pierre, L. Ladwig, J. G. Lambrinos, Q. Li, W. Li, R. Marushia, R. L. McCulley, B. A. Melbourne, C. E. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, J. Morgan, B. Mortensen, L. R. O’Halloran, D. A. Pyke, A. C. Risch, M. Sankaran, M. Schuetz, A. Simonsen, M. D. Smith, C. J. Stevens, L. Sullivan, E. Wolkovich, P. D. Wragg, J. Wright, and L. Yang. 2015. Plant species’ origin predicts dominance and response to nutrient enrichment and herbivores in global grasslands. Nature Communications 6:7710.
Fay, P. A., S. M. Prober, W. S. Harpole, J. M. H. Knops, J. D. Bakker, E. T. Borer, E. M. Lind, A. S. MacDougall, E. W. Seabloom, P. D. Wragg, P. B. Adler, D. M. Blumenthal, Y. M. Buckley, C. Chu, E. E. Cleland, S. L. Collins, K. F. Davies, G. Du, X. Feng, J. Firn, D. S. Gruner, N. Hagenah, Y. Hautier, R. W. Heckman, V. L. Jin, K. P. Kirkman, J. Klein, L. M. Ladwig, Q. Li, R. L. McCulley, B. A. Melbourne, C. E. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, J. W. Morgan, A. C. Risch, M. Schütz, C. J. Stevens, D. A. Wedin, and L. H. Yang. 2015. Grassland productivity limited by multiple nutrients. Nature Plants 1:15080.
Orrock, J. L., E. T. Borer, L. A. Brudvig, J. Firn, A. S. MacDougall, B. A. Melbourne, L. H. Yang, D. V. Baker, A. Bar-Massada, M. J. Crawley, E. I. Damschen, K. F. Davies, D. S. Gruner, A. D. Kay, E. Lind, R. L. McCulley, and E. W. Seabloom. 2015. A continent-wide study reveals clear relationships between regional abiotic conditions and post-dispersal seed predation. Journal of Biogeography 42:662–670.
Yang, L. H., and C. Gratton. 2014. Insects as drivers of ecosystem processes. Current Opinion in Insect Science 2:26–32.
Stafford-Banks, C. A., L. H. Yang, M. S. McMunn, and D. E. Ullman. 2014. Virus infection alters the predatory behavior of an omnivorous vector. Oikos 123:1384–1390.
Borer, E. T., E. W. Seabloom, D. S. Gruner, W. S. Harpole, H. Hillebrand, E. M. Lind, P. B. Adler, J. Alberti, T. M. Anderson, J. D. Bakker, L. Biederman, D. Blumenthal, C. S. Brown, L. A. Brudvig, Y. M. Buckley, M. Cadotte, C. Chu, E. E. Cleland, M. J. Crawley, P. Daleo, E. I. Damschen, K. F. Davies, N. M. DeCrappeo, G. Du, J. Firn, Y. Hautier, R. W. Heckman, A. Hector, J. HilleRisLambers, O. Iribarne, J. A. Klein, J. M. H. Knops, K. J. La Pierre, A. D. B. Leakey, W. Li, A. S. MacDougall, R. L. McCulley, B. A. Melbourne, C. E. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, B. Mortensen, L. R. O’Halloran, J. L. Orrock, J. Pascual, S. M. Prober, D. A. Pyke, A. C. Risch, M. Schuetz, M. D. Smith, C. J. Stevens, L. L. Sullivan, R. J. Williams, P. D. Wragg, J. P. Wright, and L. H. Yang. 2014. Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation. Nature 508:517–520.
Karban, R., L. H. Yang, and K. F. Edwards. 2014. Volatile communication between plants that affects herbivory: a meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 17:44–52.
Seabloom, E. W., E. T. Borer, Y. Buckley, E. E. Cleland, K. Davies, J. Firn, W. S. Harpole, Y. Hautier, E. Lind, A. MacDougall, J. L. Orrock, S. M. Prober, P. Adler, J. Alberti, T. Michael Anderson, J. D. Bakker, L. A. Biederman, D. Blumenthal, C. S. Brown, L. A. Brudvig, M. Caldeira, C. Chu, M. J. Crawley, P. Daleo, E. I. Damschen, C. M. D’Antonio, N. M. DeCrappeo, C. R. Dickman, G. Du, P. A. Fay, P. Frater, D. S. Gruner, N. Hagenah, A. Hector, A. Helm, H. Hillebrand, K. S. Hofmockel, H. C. Humphries, O. Iribarne, V. L. Jin, A. Kay, K. P. Kirkman, J. A. Klein, J. M. H. Knops, K. J. La Pierre, L. M. Ladwig, J. G. Lambrinos, A. D. B. Leakey, Q. Li, W. Li, R. McCulley, B. Melbourne, C. E. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, J. Morgan, B. Mortensen, L. R. O’Halloran, M. Pärtel, J. Pascual, D. A. Pyke, A. C. Risch, R. Salguero-Gómez, M. Sankaran, M. Schuetz, A. Simonsen, M. Smith, C. Stevens, L. Sullivan, G. M. Wardle, E. M. Wolkovich, P. D. Wragg, J. Wright, and L. Yang. 2013. Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness? Global Change Biology. 19 (12): 3677–3687
Wright, A. N., J. Piovia-Scott, D. A. Spiller, G. Takimoto, L. H. Yang, and T. W. Schoener. 2013. Pulses of marine subsidies amplify reproductive potential of lizards by increasing individual growth rate. Oikos 122:1496–1504.
Piovia-Scott, J., D. A. Spiller, G. Takimoto, L. H. Yang, A. N. Wright, and T. W. Schoener. 2013. The effect of chronic seaweed subsidies on herbivory: plant-mediated fertilization pathway overshadows lizard-mediated predator pathways. Oecologia 172:1129–1135.
Yang, L. H. 2013. Resource pulses of dead periodical cicadas increase the growth of American bellflower rosettes under competitive and non-competitive conditions. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 7:93–98. DOI 10.1007/s11829-012-9223-2
Stamps, J. A., L. H. Yang, V. M. Morales, and K. L. Boundy-Mills. 2012. Drosophila Regulate Yeast Density and Increase Yeast Community Similarity in a Natural Substrate. PLoS ONE 7:e42238.
Yang, L. H. 2012. Insect Ecology: Behavior, Populations and Communities. (book review) Quarterly Review of Biology 87:166.
Pearse, I. S., L. M. Porensky, L. H. Yang, M. L. Stanton, R. Karban, L. Bhattacharyya, R. Cox, K. Dove, A. Higgins, C. Kamoroff, T. Kirk, C. Knight, R. Koch, C. Parker, H. Rollins, and K. Tanner. 2012. Complex Consequences of Herbivory and Interplant Cues in Three Annual Plants. PLoS ONE 7:e38105.
Grace, J. B., P. B. Adler, E. W. Seabloom, E. T. Borer, H. Hillebrand, Y. Hautier, A. Hector, W. S. Harpole, L. R. O’Halloran, T. M. Anderson, J. D. Bakker, C. S. Brown, Y. M. Buckley, S. L. Collins, K. L. Cottingham, M. J. Crawley, E. I. Damschen, K. F. Davies, N. M. DeCrappeo, P. A. Fay, J. Firn, D. S. Gruner, N. Hagenah, V. L. Jin, K. P. Kirkman, J. M. H. Knops, K. J. La Pierre, J. G. Lambrinos, B. A. Melbourne, C. E. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, J. W. Morgan, J. L. Orrock, S. M. Prober, C. J. Stevens, P. D. Wragg, and L. H. Yang. 2012. Response to Comments on “Productivity Is a Poor Predictor of Plant Species Richness”. Science 335:1441–1441.
Yang, L. 2012. The ecological consequences of insect outbreaks. in P. Barbosa, D. Letourneau, and A. Agrawal, editors. Insect Outbreaks Revisited, 1st edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
Tomich, T. P., S. Brodt, H. Ferris, R. Galt, W. R. Horwath, E. Kebreab, J. H. J. Leveau, D. Liptzin, M. Lubell, P. Merel, R. Michelmore, T. Rosenstock, K. Scow, J. Six, N. Williams, and L. Yang. 2011. Agroecology: A Review from a Global-Change Perspective. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 36:193-222.
Adler, P. B., E. W. Seabloom, E. T. Borer, H. Hillebrand, Y. Hautier, A. Hector, W. S. Harpole, L. R. O’Halloran, J. B. Grace, T. M. Anderson, J. D. Bakker, L. A. Biederman, C. S. Brown, Y. M. Buckley, L. B. Calabrese, C.-J. Chu, E. E. Cleland, S. L. Collins, K. L. Cottingham, M. J. Crawley, E. I. Damschen, K. F. Davies, N. M. DeCrappeo, P. A. Fay, J. Firn, P. Frater, E. I. Gasarch, D. S. Gruner, N. Hagenah, J. Hille Ris Lambers, H. Humphries, V. L. Jin, A. D. Kay, K. P. Kirkman, J. A. Klein, J. M. H. Knops, K. J. La Pierre, J. G. Lambrinos, W. Li, A. S. MacDougall, R. L. McCulley, B. A. Melbourne, C. E. Mitchell, J. L. Moore, J. W. Morgan, B. Mortensen, J. L. Orrock, S. M. Prober, D. A. Pyke, A. C. Risch, M. Schuetz, M. D. Smith, C. J. Stevens, L. L. Sullivan, G. Wang, P. D. Wragg, J. P. Wright, and L. H. Yang. 2011. Productivity Is a Poor Predictor of Plant Species Richness. Science 333:1750 –1753.
Mulder, C., H. Jones, K. Kameda, C. Palmborg, S. Schmidt, J. Ellis, J. Orrock, D. Wait, D. Wardle, L. Yang, H. Young, D. A. Croll, and E. Vidal. 2011. Impacts of Seabirds on Plant and Soil Properties.in Seabird Islands: Ecology, Invasion and Restoration. Oxford University Press.
Sih, A., J. Stamps, L. H. Yang, R. McElreath, and M. Ramenofsky. 2010. Grand challenges: Behavior as a key component of integrative biology in a human-altered world. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 50 (6): 934-944
Spiller, D.A., J. Piovia-Scott, A.N. Wright, L.H. Yang, G. Takimoto, T.W. Schoener and T. Iwata. 2010. Marine subsidies have multiple effects on coastal food webs, Ecology. 91(5):1424-1434
Yang, L.H., K. Edwards, J.E. Brynes, J.L. Bastow, A.N. Wright, K.O. Spence. 2010. A meta-analysis of resource pulse-consumer interactions, Ecological Monographs. 80(1):125-151.
Yang, L.H. and V. Rudolf. 2010. Phenology, ontogeny and the effects of climate change on the timing of species interactions, Ecology Letters 13(1):1-10.
Yang, L.H. and R. Karban. 2009. Long-term habitat selection and chronic root herbivory: Explaining the relationship between periodical cicada density and tree growth. The American Naturalist 173(1):105-110.
Yang, L.H. 2008. Dead periodical cicadas increase herbivory of American bellflowers, Ecology 89(6): 1497-1502.
Yang, L.H., J.L. Bastow, K.O. Spence, A.N. Wright. 2008. What can we learn from resource pulses?, Ecology 89(3):621-634
Nowlin, W.H., Vanni M.J., and L.H. Yang. 2008. Comparing resource pulses in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, Ecology 89(3):647-659
Yang, L.H. and S. Naeem. 2008. The ecology of resource pulses, Ecology 89(3):619-620
Robinson, G.R., Jr., P.L. Sibrell, C.J. Boughton, and L.H. Yang. 2007 Influence of soil chemistry on metal and bioessential element concentrations in nymphal and adult periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.), Science of the Total Environment, 374 (2007): 367-378
Yang, L.H. 2006. Periodical cicadas use light for oviposition site selection, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B – Biological Sciences 273(1604): 2993-3000
Yang, L.H. 2006. Interactions between a detrital resource pulse and a detritivore community, Oecologia. 147: 522-532
Yang, L.H. 2006. Cicada (invited article). McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology.
Yang, L.H. and M.D. Holland. 2005. Small world properties emerge in highly compartmentalized networks with intermediate group sizes and numbers, Physical Review E. 067101
Yang, L.H. 2004. Periodical cicadas as resource pulses in North American forests, Science 306:1565-1567
Bolnick, D.I., R. Svanback, J.A. Fordyce, L.H. Yang, J.M. Davis, C.D. Hulsey, and M.L. Forister. 2003. The ecology of individuals: incidence and implications of individual specialization, The American Naturalist 161(1): 1-28 (ESA George Mercer Award)
Bolnick, D.I., L.H. Yang, J.A. Fordyce, J. Davis, and R. Svanback. 2002. Measuring individual-level diet specialization, Ecology 83(10):2936-2941
Bell, A.M., J.M. Davis, C.M. Greene, S.C. Lema, J.V. Watters, and L.H. Yang. 2001. Evolutionary questions in an ecologically relevant context, (book review) Evolution 55(8):1715-1716
Yang, L.H. 2000. Effects of body size and plant structure on the movement ability of a predaceous stinkbug, Podisus maculiventris (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), Oecologia 125:85-90